25 & 26-10 Oriëntatie TrailRun in Appelscha


Vrijdagavond 25 okt. Night Duo Run op straat waaronder door pretpark Duinen Zathe. Hoofdlamp meenemen!

Welcome to the Drenthe/Friesland 2 Days 2019

We are almost ready to kick off the Drenthe/Friesland 2 Days 2019. Months of hard work planning courses, revising the map, meeting the local municipal officials, planning and preparing the layout of the arena, meeting with all the partners who are supporting the organization, mapping the duo sprint relay and so on come to their climax. We are really looking forward to meet you all in the arena….

We will create one arena for both days in the middle of Appelscha right next to the maps where we hopefully will have a nice and convenient atmosphere. Making our beautiful sport also visible for the public and local citizens. On Saturday we hope you will help us to create this great atmosphere around the WRE of the W/M21 by staying after your own competition and seeing the elite runners battle for the victory.

With more than 320 entries from 13 countries we keep growing slowly this 3rd edition of our 2 Days O-event. Thank you all for your confidence. On this place we already would like to thank our partners and sponsors!

The province Fryslan, the local municipality Ooststellingwerf with the village Appelscha, the local First Aid volunteers, the local Traffic Support volunteers, the State Forestry (Staatsbosbeheer), Joytime Outdoor Activities and holiday parc “RCN De Roggeberg”. Thank you all for your support.

A special thanks go to Outdoor Company and catering “De Jongens van Outdoor” and our club sponsor “Verhoeve Groen”. Jan de Roos and Klaas-Jan Hofstra; without your help, ideas and effort we wouldn’t have this great arena in the middle of Appelscha. A big THANK YOU!

We wish you all good and fair competitions on our beautiful maps Bosberg and Kale Duinen. May the best of you win!

The organizing team of HOC’93

Program – timetable
Friday 25th October – Duo sprint Relay in Appelscha and Duinen Zathe
17:00 Competition Centre open in the arena
19:00 Explanation of coursesetter to all competitors
19:20 1st runners to the start
19:30 Mass start
20:45 – 21:00 Prize giving
Afterwards “De Jongens van Outdoor” will stay opened for a short afterparty.

Saturday 26th October – Middle Distance (incl. IOF WRE) on the new map Bosberg
11:00 Competition Centre open in the arena
13:00 1st start
14:20 (approx.) 1st start Men Elite on WRE
14:50 (approx.) 1st start Women Elite on WRE
15:30 (approx.) last start WRE
16:00 – 16:10 (approx..) last finish WRE
16:15 – 16:30 Prize giving ceremony for the WRE 17:00 finish closed
(we kindly ask the potential medal winners for the WRE to stay available for the prize giving ceremony within 15 minutes after last finish.)
19:00 Pasta party at RCN De Roggeberg. Please make your reservation directly at De Roggeberg

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